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Calendar of Events

2024 ODEEO Rides

Online ride entries will be uploaded to the website approximately one month before the scheduled ride. The ride entries webpage will have all the ride information regarding ride camp, schedule of events, facilities available, driving directions, crew instructions, and any other pertinent information.

No  Frills

Friday, April 19:

Endurance / Limited Distance: 55, 30 miles

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 55, 30, 20, and 10 miles, and 10/10 and 20/10 Equathon

Saturday, April 20:

Endurance / Limited Distance: 55, 30 miles, Intro Ride

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 55, 30, 20, and 10 miles, and 10/10 and 20/10 Equathon

    Join us in Star Tannery, Virginia for a "no frills" early season ride!  Bring your own food, water (if you can), and come join us on the trails designed by John Crandell, III.  We will offer 55 and 30 mile events and ride and ties.  No formal meals except for volunteers, something small for awards, and, well, the name says it all, no frills.  It will be great fun and a great ride so plan to start your season with us.

Old Dominion

Friday, June 7:

Endurance / Limited Distance: 55, 25 miles

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 55, 25, and 12 miles, and 12/6, 12/12, and 20/12 Equathon

Saturday, June 8:

Endurance / Intro: 100 miles, Intro Ride

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 100, 20, and 12 miles and 12/6, 12/12, and 20/12 Equathon

    A true test of one horse, one rider, and the trail:  scenic, spectacular, historic, undeniably difficult, but ultimately a ride that you can complete. The Old Dominion is what the slogan of the American Endurance Ride Conference means: “To Finish is to Win.” A point to point ride known to some as The Beast of the East.

Ride & Tie Clinic Weekend

Saturday August 10:

Night Ride & Tie / Equathon: 20, 12, and 6 miles and 12/6 and 12/12 Equathon

Sunday August 11:

Day Ride & Tie / Equathon: 20, 12, and 6 miles and 12/6 and 12/12 Equathon

    Held at Base Camp, the Ride & Tie Clinic Weekend is a chance to see what Ride and Tie is all about.  Attend a clinic Saturday afternoon, compete in the dark Saturday night, and try your luck in the daytime Sunday morning.  A full two days of Ride & Tie-ing.

Fort Valley

Friday, October 18:

Endurance / Limited Distance: 50, 30 miles

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 50, 30, and 15 miles and 15/5 and 15/15 Equathon

Saturday, October 19:

Endurance / Limited Distance: 50, 30 miles, Intro Ride

Ride & Tie / Equathon: 50, 30, and 15 miles and 15/5 and 15/15 Equathon

    If you are a big believer in variety being the spice of life, then Fort Valley is for you! Since the rides are held in mid-October, they are enhanced by the world famous Virginia fall foliage. They also feature robust food, comfortable camping, and a choice of events that appeal to the entire endurance community, from national champions to first time novices.

2024 ODEEO Clinics, Seminars, and Webinars

Webinars are held on the 3rd Tuesday of January, February, March, and May, and run from 7 - 9 PM.      For more information, visit the seminars page. Registration will be required for each webinar. A link to the webinar will be sent following registration.

  • Virtual Seminar - January 16


  • In-Person Drag Rider Clinic - February 10

12:00-4:00 p.m. @ TriCounty Feeds in Marshall, VA

  • Virtual Seminar - February 20  - CANCELLED

                   "What's in Your Pack"

  • Virtual Seminar - March 19  - CANCELLED



For information on webinars, contact Clinic Registration.

For information on the drag rider clinic, contact Duane Martin.


2024 ODEEO Work Days

Work days are dates set aside to prepare the ODEEO base camps for upcoming rides. From maintaining trails, to assembling top 10 prizes, cleaning the pump house, mowing the 16-acre field, and more.

Any and all help is appreciated and welcome!


Bring yourself, your lunch, a way to stay cool, and any equipment you're comfortable bringing. For any questions or if you're interested in participating, contact Diane Connolly.

  • March 2, 2024  - No Frills Trail Clearing

  • May 4, 2024 - Workday at base camp with meeting afterwards

Volunteer Log Book


To help us earn brownie points with the U.S. Forest Service 😉, please log the hours you work on their trails by clicking the below Google Forms link.



2024 Board Meetings

ODEEO Board Meetings are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., except for our ride months (April, June, and October).  Most meetings will be held virtually.  However, in some cases, the meeting will be combined with a workday to prepare for an upcoming ride.


Meeting details will be sent to the membership via the email list, prior to the meeting date.

January 9, 2024
February 13, 2024

March 12, 2024
April 9, 2024
May 4, 2024 - Workday at base camp with meeting afterwards
July 13, 2024 - Post-Ride, In-Person Board Meeting (Dinner at 5, meeting at 6)
August 13, 2024
September 10, 2024
October 8, 2024
November 12, 2024
December 7, 2024 - Annual Meeting and Party at Sky Line Ranch

Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization rides and events are privately held and are open only to registered participants and their guests, ride/event management, volunteers, and staff.

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Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization rides and events are privately held and are open only to registered participants and their guests, ride/event management, volunteers, and staff. All ODEEO endurance rides are sanctioned by the AERC. AERC rules and regulations apply. Please read the rule book at for complete information.


The Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization, Inc is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. No photos or graphics may be used, copied, or downloaded without the express permission of the website designer and/or credited photographer(s).

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